What Method Does a Chiropractor Use for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

What Method Does a Chiropractor Use for Carpal Tunnel

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide, causing pain, numbness, and discomfort in the wrists and hands.

If you’re one of those individuals struggling with the symptoms of carpal tunnel, while traditional medical treatments and surgical interventions have been common approaches to managing this condition, there’s another option that’s gaining attention—chiropractic care.

If you wonder what method does a chiropractor use for carpal tunnel? Then you might be at the right place.

Answer is that a chiropractor may use manual adjustments, soft tissue therapy, and ergonomic advice to alleviate symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Let’s have a look on the potential solutions for your carpal tunnel discomfort.

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

To gain a comprehensive understanding of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, it’s essential to grasp the anatomy of the carpal tunnel. This narrow passageway accommodates crucial structures, notably the median nerve.

Furthermore, situated between the carpal bones beneath and the transverse carpal ligament above, the tunnel’s structure plays a pivotal role in the development and manifestation of symptoms associated with this condition.

Carpal Tunnel Anatomy

To comprehend Carpal Tunnel Syndrome thoroughly, one must initially grasp the anatomy of the carpal tunnel. This narrow wrist passageway houses critical structures, including the median nerve.

Moreover, the tunnel forms between the carpal bones beneath and the transverse carpal ligament on top.

  • Carpal Bones: Small wrist bones in two rows with the transverse carpal ligament forming the tunnel’s roof.
  • Transverse Carpal Ligament: A protective sheath over the tunnel, maintaining wrist structure and safeguarding the median nerve and tendons within.

The confined space makes it prone to compression. Excessive pressure leads to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Common Causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

CTS develops due to various factors, often a combination of them. Here are common CTS causes and risk factors:

  • Repetitive Hand Movements
  • Wrist Anatomy and Congenital Factors
  • Wrist Fractures and Injuries
  • Medical conditions like chronic diabetes, thyroid disorders and kidney failure
  • Hormonal changes during pregnancy
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Taking medicines such as anasatrazole for breast cancer
  • Obesity
  • Workstation Ergonomics

Symptoms and Early Signs

Early CTS recognition is vital for effective wrist adjustment. Symptoms usually affect the hand and wrist.

Key indicators include:

  • Numbness and Tingling
  • Pain and Discomfort
  • Weakness and Grip Problems
  • Swelling and Wrist Tightness
  • Burning Sensation

Symptoms vary, so prompt medical evaluation is crucial.

What Method Does a Chiropractor Use for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Chiropractor Approach Carpal Tunnel Treatment

Chiropractic treatment, a natural and non-invasive approach, emphasizes the body’s innate ability to heal itself. Furthermore, chiropractors, experts in musculoskeletal health, play a crucial role in addressing carpal tunnel issues.

Let’s explore it:

1. Thorough Assessment

  1. Medical history
  2. Physical inspection of your wrist, arm, shoulder, and spine
  3. Examination in which chiropractors do Phalen’s maneuver or Tinel’s sign.

By doing so, the aim is to uncover the root causes of carpal tunnel syndrome.

2. Spinal Adjustments for Nerve Health

Chiropractic care underscores the spine’s influence on overall well-being. A curved spine can lead to nerve compression, which in turn contributes to carpal tunnel symptoms.

By employing precise spinal adjustments, chiropractors aim to alleviate nerve interference and subsequently reduce discomfort.

3. Targeted Wrist and Arm Adjustments

In addition to ankle adjustments, chiropractors utilize techniques to manipulate and adjust the wrist, arm, and shoulder.

Through these methods, they effectively alleviate the pressure on the median nerve, which is the primary source of carpal tunnel issues. Ensuring proper joint function is crucial for achieving lasting relief.

4. Soft Tissue Therapies for Comfort

Chiropractors may integrate soft tissue therapies like:

  1. Massage
  2. Myofascial release
  3. Pressure point therapy.

These therapies ease muscle tension, reduce inflammation, and enhance blood flow to the affected area, expediting your body’s healing process.

5. Personalized Treatment Plans

Chiropractic care is a tailored experience. Your chiropractor creates a unique treatment plan addressing your specific needs. Expect a combination of:

  • Rest
  • Physical therapy
  • Lifestyle modifications such as an anti-inflammatory diet that focuses on the core causes of your carpal tunnel syndrome.

6. Wrist Supports and Bracing

Chiropractors may recommend the use of wrist supports and braces to help alleviate pressure on the median nerve. These devices can be especially beneficial for those who have jobs or hobbies that involve repetitive wrist movements.

7. Stretching Exercises

Chiropractors prescribe stretching exercises for strengthening the muscles that were wasted due to continuous pressure on them. Some of them are stated below:

Wrist Extension Stretch

  • Straighten your affected arm and then move the affected hand towards your face as if you are stopping someone with your hand.
  • Hold this stretch for 15 seconds.
  • Repeat it 5 times a day four reps of it for 5-7 days.

Wrist Flexion Stretch

  • Straighten your affected arm and then apply gentle pressure to the affected hand with the other one so that the fingers point downwards.
  • Hold this stretch for 15 seconds.
  • Repeat it with the same frequency as the extension stretch.

Median Nerve Glides

  • Initially make a fist of the affected hand so that the thumb remains out of the fist.
  • Now open up the fist and extend the fingers.
  • Then, extend the thumb and rotate the wrist so the palm goes up.
  • Now, stretch the thumb with the other hand.
  •  The frequency must be the same as mentioned for the above exercises.

Tendon Glides

  • Straighten your fingers towards the sky while your palm faces your face.
  • Close your fingers to make a hook.
  • Make a tight fist then.
  • The frequency must be the same as mentioned above.

Case Study

Patient Profile: Aliya, a 38-year-old office worker, presented with persistent wrist pain and numbness.

Presenting Complaints: Aliya complained of chronic wrist pain, numbness, and tingling, interfering with her daily tasks.

Treatment and Progression: Initially, Aliya underwent a thorough assessment by Dr. John, revealing signs of carpal tunnel syndrome. Chiropractic care began with manual adjustments and soft tissue therapy. Over subsequent sessions, ergonomic advice and exercises were integrated.

Aliya experienced gradual relief as her symptoms diminished, allowing her to resume normal activities comfortably.

Through diligent chiropractic interventions led by Dr. John, Aliya’s journey showcased the effectiveness of holistic approaches in managing carpal tunnel syndrome.

Benefits of Visiting a Chiropractor for Carpal Tunnel

Visiting a chiropractor for carpal tunnel syndrome can offer several benefits. Chiropractic care takes a holistic approach to address the underlying causes of carpal tunnel and promote overall well-being.

Here are the key benefits of seeking chiropractic treatment for carpal tunnel:

  1. Non-Invasive Relief: Avoid surgery and medication.
  2. Pain Management: Immediate or gradual relief from trapezius pain.
  3. Enhanced Functionality: Improved hand mobility and strength.
  4. Holistic Approach: Addresses root causes.
  5. Minimal Downtime: Quick recovery.
  6. Customized Care: Tailored treatment plans.
  7. Lasting Results: Reduced risk of recurrence.
  8. Natural Healing: Promotes the body’s self-healing.
  9. Ergonomic Advice: Prevents future issues.
  10. Complementary to Medicine: Works well with other treatments.


1. Can chiropractic care prevent carpal tunnel syndrome?

Chiropractic care can help prevent carpal tunnel syndrome by addressing posture, ergonomics, and lifestyle factors that contribute to its development.

2. Is chiropractic care a good alternative to surgery for carpal tunnel?

Chiropractic care can be an effective alternative to surgery, particularly for mild to moderate cases of carpal tunnel syndrome. It focuses on non-invasive treatments.

3. Is chiropractic care covered by health insurance for carpal tunnel treatment?

It depends on your insurance plan. Some plans may cover chiropractic care for carpal tunnel treatment, while others may require specific conditions.

4. What should I look for in a chiropractor for carpal tunnel treatment?

When seeking a chiropractor, look for qualifications, experience in treating carpal tunnel, positive reviews, and a personalized treatment approach.

Bottom Line

In summary, if you’re grappling with the discomfort of carpal tunnel syndrome, chiropractic care offers a promising path to relief.

Chiropractors employ a range of non-invasive techniques to address not only the symptoms but also the underlying causes of CTS.

From spinal adjustments to soft tissue manipulation, ergonomic advice to exercises, chiropractors focus on holistic and personalized solutions to improve your wrist and hand health.

If you’re interested in exploring the world of chiropractic care further, we invite you to read our other blog posts on chiropric.

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